Twinning activities with Kronberg started in 1968 when Ardwyn Grammar School started having regular exchange visits with the Altkönigschule in Kronberg. The music exchanges began in 1980 and in the early 1990’s, a Friendship Association was formed to foster twinning links. In 1997, Aberystwyth Town Council signed the formal twinning agreement with Kronberg-im-Taunus.
Originally, twinning activities were dealt with by a committee of Aberystwyth Town Council. Now, twinning activities are dealt with by an independent Association – Aberystwyth Kronberg Twinning (AKT). There is still a strong link with Aberystwyth Town Council, however, as the Council has two representatives on AKT and provides a grant to AKPA every year to help fund the twinning activities.
1968 | School exchanges start between Ardwyn Grammar School in Aberystwyth and Altkönigschule (AKS) in Kronberg. |
1997 | The Town Twinning between Aberystwyth and Kronberg becomes official with the signing of the twinning documents at events in both towns over the summer.
The Town Council sets up a Kronberg Twinning Committee to deal with twinning matters. |
2003 | Organisational changes make the Twinning Committee independent of the Council. This organisation becomes the present AKT. It is composed largely of volunteers with two Aberystwyth Town Council representatives.
It has carried on from 2003 until the present day, working to maintain and enhance the twinning link between Aberystwyth and Kronberg. |
2017 | The Parc Kronberg skatepark opens - a concrete skatepark featuring a back and forth with open bowl, transition and rails. It was built by Aberystwyth Town Council with Big Lottery grant funding. |
2019 | An information board about the Aberystwyth and Kronberg twinning is placed near the skatepark on Boulevard De Saint Brieuc. |