Aberystwyth-Kronberg Twinning

Financial Assistance for Visits to Kronberg



AKT exists to promote links between Kronberg & Aberystwyth and will donate money to help individuals and groups wanting to travel to Kronberg. When considering applications for financial assistance, AKT will take into account the following:

  • For children, financial assistance cannot be greater than 50% of the cost of any trip or exchange.
  • For adults, financial assistance cannot be greater than 25% of the cost of any trip or exchange
  • Financial assistance must be sought before the visit takes place. AKT will not give any financial assistance retrospectively.
  • Financial assistance can be given in different ways:
    1. A sum of money given to the individual/group worked out as a percentage of the total cost.
    2. A sum of money given to the individual/group to purchase a specific item, e.g. the cost of a coach to an airport.
  • Requests for financial assistance will normally be dealt with at AKT Business meetings.
  • Urgent requests can be dealt with by AKT Officers between scheduled meetings.
  • All requests for financial assistance must be made using the official request form. All information requested must be attached to the form when the application is made.
  • Financial assistance will be given as either:
    1. A cheque which must be paid into the bank account of the individual requesting assistance or the organisation requesting assistance, or
    2. An invoice (e.g. for a coach trip) which the AKT treasurer will pay direct.
  • After the visit, the individual/organisation has to submit a report about the visit.
  • Should the visit not take place for any reason, AKT will require the whole of the donation to be returned to the AKT treasurer.

To apply for financial assistance, you can complete the online form below, or download either a Word Document or PDF version of the application form, and email back to us.

Download as a Word Document

Download as a PDF